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God gave us mind, but we act as blind here comes main part of the year, Xmas a mass is to be held but no mercy a day to prove how we are able by how much we put on table, this is not a mere trouble it is a treason, a tragedy in this season. We always find reason, then tell me why we act so selfish in the name of Jesus? Self-reliance crooked us into self-centered, turning blind eye to people in need. Can't we show some good deeds by sowing right seeds of not have but love. There is much that clothing you think as nothing can mean to someone just somewhere. That simple meal can preach a gospel hard to erase in someone's mind just somewhere maybe next door or sideways just pay attention. Why should we keep like this? Preaching the gospel we don't apply why is it so hard to walk our talk? Don't you get tired of dead faith? I get it, you don't have much but don't tell me you have nothing to spare preachers are more yet givers are so rare
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Be yourself

Be yourself no matter what other people think, God made you the way you are for a reason; besides, an original is always worth more than a copy. Accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself, improve yourself and empower yourself! Never excuse yourself for who you are. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself! There's no one better than you! You are complete; you are unique and fully packaged! Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of someone else; everyone else is taken, so why waste your time? To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are; quit trying to be someone else - you are beautiful, unique and endowed! You just have to discover that uniqueness and potential you possess and develop it! Project yourself forward and drive yourself! The world awaits you! Relinquish that wishy washy thought of becoming someone else for no one is better than you,  ask the beautiful poetess Meera, I have no room of


Happy mothers’ day to my mother and all mothers there! Enjoy your special day. This poem is dedicated to you. GOD NUMBER TWO Allow me to humbly take this opportunity   presented by our reliable calendar  to with all sincerity and genuineness of my  heart to pass a few words to you mother.  I don’t know even how to start it …S hall I start with the day I first called you mumma. Let me start with day I realized that god dwells around.  The reason I boldly call you god number two. having never heard you one in my life complaining about the burden of motherhood,  the sacrifices you made to see us through. you give more to bring us up to a life of adulthood you go beyond to do more when we have grown.  Today then let it be known to you that I don’t need a special day,   No no no I don’t need only twenty-four hours to recognize  how great you are, it’s just calendar’s stuffs, You know it. otherwise I always have in my heart that for nine months I was within you until I was

Take charge and rule

You can let your circumstances rule you, or you can take charge and rule your life from within. There is a divine endowment you carry, that is able to see you through – but it all depends on how well you can reach deep within! Life is either a daring adventure or nothing! Everything you have ever wanted, is on the other side of fear; fight for what is yours! Don’t give up so easily on what is yours! You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there; don’t languish in self-pity – get up, clean yourself up and move on with life. He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat; why are you so afraid of living the life God has destined for you? Why settle for a mediocre life when something better is in stock for you? Live your dream and not your fear! Persist until something happens! You can do this! I encourage you today, always direct your thoughts to those truths that will give you confidence, hope, and joy and turn away your mind from those that inspire you wit

None better Than you

Be yourself no matter what other people think, God made you the way you are for a reason; besides, an original is always worth more than a copy. Accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself, improve yourself and empower yourself! Never excuse yourself for who you are. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself! There's no one better than you! You are complete; you are unique and fully packaged! Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of someone else; everyone else is taken, so why waste your time? To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are; quit trying to be someone else - you are beautiful, unique and endowed! You just have to discover that uniqueness and potential you possess and develop it! Project yourself forward and drive yourself! The world awaits you! Relinquish that wishy washy thought of becoming someone else for no one is better than you,  I have no room of any doubt that if you dig deep pa


I have few questions to raise up for you, how much do you believe in yourself ? How capable do you think you are? Where are you looking for your answers ? I hope it's not from friend , parent or brother. If so, you don't know your potential but better you start to look within you. Do you sometime doubt whether you can make it, well it happens to everyone, but never stay in your doubts. Go deep in your memory , get flash back of all you achieved, you gone find  out that that  tremendous achievements was from you, know and believe that you can achieve it, you can be the best, people might speak your deeds only if you don't wait lucky. I don't know the degree at which you realize the gifts implanted in you but what I know for sure you are amazing the way you are, just take a look within you. Now leave your doubts, questions and commit to be better, show your characters. Do it. I risk repeating to emphasize that you are very special and even unique in the world of


1. Set Out to Gain Experience Kiyosaki started his career without having much money, just like everyone else. And he believed that it was his experience that brought him where he is today. He once told in his one of his classes that he bought his first investment property in Hawaii. It was a small $18,000 condominium and he paid the deposit of $2,000 using his credit card. He did agree that it was not a wise move, but that experience was what made him a great real estate investor today. Thus, set out to gain more experience. While it is true that you can learn and gain new knowledge through reading books, attending seminars and learning from other people, you cannot gain new experience simply through reading. Kiyosaki also gave a good example of cycling. He said that one cannot learn how to ride a bicycle by reading a book. The only way you can acquire that skill is to hop on the bicycle and learn to ride it. The same goes for swimming. You cannot learn how to swim by watching a